Content creator and influencer innovation research

Tap into creators and influencers to predict future trends and consumer needs in your category.

CRG’s unique 360° strategic planning and innovation framework brings together industry creators, influencers, target consumers, AI, and predictive intelligence to identify and prioritize future trends and white-space opportunities in terms of sizing, timing, and category impact with unprecedented accuracy and foresight.

Bringing together industry creators and predictive intelligence to help give you a competitive advantage

Content creators and influencers are a powerful resource when it comes to predicting trend movement and future consumer needs. Not only do they have the clearest foresight and understanding of what’s to come, but they are also directly involved in shaping consumer behavior, trends, and decisions in your category.
CRG’s single-source solution allows you to directly engage creators and influencers in an effective end-to-end qualitative and quantitative framework to uncover advanced foresight into the sizing, timing, and category impact of emerging trends, with proven 90% accuracy.

How creator and influencer market research works

CRG offers a suite of custom solutions that can be pursued individually or as part of a larger, multi-phase strategic futurecasting initiative.

Trend Discovery and Prioritization


CRG recruits relevant creators in your category to participate in an in-depth interview (IDI). These moderated, virtual sessions are designed to collect creator feedback on a variety of category trends and consumer behaviors.  We also probe these individuals to discover new trends, ingredients, and product forms that are still under the radar. 

At a high level, the qualitative objective is what trends or significant changes creators see currently and in the future, within your category.  

Idea and Concept Development


CRG meets clients wherever they are in the ideation and concept development process.  This may include seed ideas that need to be explored and validated, or it may involve a completely blank canvas early in the ideation phase.

Regardless of stage, CRG will execute a series of moderated, virtual IDIs among online creators that focus heavily on your category. These creators are carefully vetted to ensure they have a follower count that will stand out, provide an informed voice on the specific topic, and meet standard articulation levels. 

At a high level, the qualitative objective is to answer what gaps or unmet needs creators see currently, and in the future, within your category.

Messaging and Creative Development


Test your early messaging and creative concepts with the most influential voices in your category to ensure you are on the proper communication path. 

CRG’s moderator will lead the development of a discussion guide, introduce the creative concepts, and conduct the virtual IDIs.   

At a high level, the qualitative objective is to understand if the messaging and creative direction are enough to drive behavior. And, how the idea can be improved.


Futurecasting prediction market


CRG specializes in predictive research approaches that quantify the sizing, timing, and impact of trends on consumer behavior, category growth, and choice drivers.

CRG will leverage the insights shared by the creators to validate and prioritize their likely impact on consumers using HUUNU®, CRG’s agile predictive intelligence research solution. 
CRG’s predictive intelligence methodology will identify white space for product development and innovation, as well as the most impactful trends for future investment. 

Why use creator market research?

Using in-depth interviews (IDIs) and predictive research to gather insights among creators and influencers in your space delivers a host of competitive advantages for businesses and insights professionals looking for a strategic edge.

Rich, accurate insights
Gain a richer perspective on the future of your category


To understand where your category is headed, ask the ones who are taking it there. Creators are uniquely positioned to deliver unparalleled insight into future trends, consumer preferences, pain points, and untapped needs. 



Whitespace opportunities
Clarify and prioritize white space opportunities


CRG’s unique 360-degree approach is excellent for surfacing hidden white spaces for innovation and development – before your competitors get there first.

Identify areas for growth
Clearly identify areas for future investment and growth

Creator market research delivers rich, detailed data to help drive accurate strategic decision-making as to where to direct resources, and when. 



high quality respondents
Leverage high-quality respondents for better data


Extensively vetted, high-quality respondents set this approach apart. Each creator we engage with stands as a subject matter expert on the particular category in which they operate. As a result, their insights and opinions form the basis for exceptionally high-quality data.

"Nothing short of fantastic."

The entire process from beginning to end was nothing short of fantastic.

Marketing Manager at a CPG Company

Gain an unprecedented strategic advantage with creator and influencer innovation research.


Find out how you can leverage content creators and influencers to inform the future of your category by getting in touch with our team today.